Sennzai  歌手・作詞家

一度聴いたら忘れない特徴的なファルセットボイスを持つ、個性派 Z世代アーティスト。

1月22日生まれ 北海道出身

ネットシーンで音楽活動を開始し、その後10代で初のACゲーム「pop'n music」に歌唱参加を果たすと、同年には全世界で累計2,800万DLを突破した人気音楽リズムゲーム「DEEMO」への収録を皮切りに、国内外の多数の音楽ゲームで歌唱を担当するようになる。






Singer & Lyricist

Sennzai is a unique Z-generation artist with an unforgettable falsetto voice. She masterfully employs multiple vocal personas, sounding like entirely different individuals depending on the song, and releases melodies imbued with her distinctive style.

She began her music career online and made her arcade game debut at 19, contributing vocals to pop'n music. In the same year, she was featured in the globally popular rhythm game DEEMO, which surpassed 28 million downloads worldwide. This marked the beginning of her involvement in numerous music games both in Japan and internationally. Additionally, she has contributed vocals to TV anime soundtracks, major artists' choruses, and commercials.

In 2016, she launched her own label, Seardrop, and by 2024, her streaming plays had surpassed 25 million worldwide. Sennzai also acts as a producer, personally overseeing the direction of her releases to maintain her creative vision.

With a background in classical vocal training, Sennzai showcases extraordinary versatility, spanning genres such as rock, pop, classical, ethnic music, and even playful, childlike tunes. Her vocal prowess is further highlighted by her ability to deliver exceptionally high-pitched long tones and bold vibratos, earning her a reputation for unparalleled depth and artistry.